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Botanical Artist


Isabel’s earliest memories are of admiring flowers (buttercups, specifically) and she continues to be enamored with plants of all kinds.   As a nonprofit entrepreneur with a plant focus, she served as the founding President of Friends of the Urban Forest in San Francisco; founder of California ReLeaf; co-founder the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park, and founder and Executive Director of Neighborhood Parks Council. Recently, she launched a lemon tree-planting project in San Francisco with a goal of planting 12,000 lemons to achieve sustainability in this crop and to help illustrate the opportunity for any city to grow food.


Isabel’s education in botanical illustration began in 2010 with her first class with Mary Harden.  She has earned her Master’s Certificate in the Mary L. Harden School of Botanical Illustration.

Her work has been included in the following exhibits and special events:


2017 February 10 - 21  8th Annual Plants Illustrated Exhibition:  Seeds and Pods, UC Botanical Garden, Berkeley

2017 February 2-June 7  Deceptively Dangerous Plants, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco

2016 April 5-July 6   SYMBIOSIS- Plants and Butterflies, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco

2016  February 28-April 30  Beautiful Edibles, Bi-Rite 18 Reasons Gallery, San Francisco  

2016  February 10 - April 10  BUZZ, Lindsay Wildlife Experience, Walnut  Creek

October 22, 2015-Jan 13, 2016: 10th Anniversary Exhibition, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco

2015  October 22 - January 13, 2016  10th Anniversary Exhibit, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco 2015

Oct 16-Jan 31 Inked Botanicals-A Process, UCSF Faculty and Alumni House, Main Campus, SF

2015  April 16 - July 8  Buzz-Plants & Bee Pollinators, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco

2015  February 1 - April 1 Plants of San Francisco Botanic Gardens, UCSF                                                                                                Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco

2015  April 16 - July 8  Buzz-Plants & Bee Pollinators, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, San Francisco


Sept 3-December 29, 2014, Mesoamerican Cloud Forest Plants, Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture, SF Botanical Garden

May1-July 31, 2014, Intoxicating Plants, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, SF

Oct.-Dec, 2013, Native plants of the California Wine Country, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, Main Campus, SF

March 22 - April 7, 2013, The Painterly Garden, Botanicals for the National AIDS Memorial Grove, Macy’s 2013, Flower Fest, Union Square, SF

Feb 28 - May 30, 2013, Medicinal Plants, UCSF Faculty Alumni House, Main Campus

Nov 30 - Dec 2 2012, Art in the Grove, National AIDS Memorial Grove, SF

Nov. 2012, Just One Tree Project, Meyer Lemon Watercolor Auction, Absinthe, SF

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